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VIDEOEX 2002 - Experimental Film & Video Festival

von ch (13.12.2002)

VIDEOEX 2002 - Experimental Film & Video Festival

Die play gallery for still an motion zeigt für 3 Tage vom 17.12.-19.12.02 eine Auswahl an künstlerischen Beiträgen des Videoex Festival 2002, das im Mai diesen Jahres in Zürich stattfand. Das Videoex Festival dient der Förderung von Experimentalfilmen und Videoarbeiten.

Presseerklärung / Auszug: "The main topic of the 2002 edition was the structural film: a selection of 10 films of Michael Snow and his new installation Couple (2001); a selection of important structural films from America with works by Tony Conrad, Paul Sharits and Owen Land; a selection of European works by Peter Kubelka, Kurt Kren and Michael Maziere; special programs of Doug Aitken, Peter Mettler and also a selection of Other Cinema S. Francisco where presented.

The Jury Members: Peter Mettler (Swiss-Canadian filmmaker), Mike Hoolboom (Canadian video & filmmaker); Arjon Dunnenwind (Director of Impakt Festival Utrecht)

First Price ex equo: Apple Grown in Wind Tunnel by Steven Matheson (Beta, USA 2001), Du Moteur A Explosion by Dominic Gagnon (16 mm, CAN 2000); Cargo by Laura Waddington (Digibeta, F 2001)


Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2002, 8.30 pm
Hotel Central, Matt Hulse, UK 2000, 35 mm, 10:00
Allegedly set somewhere 30 miles South West of Leipzig, this eccentric film does not attempt to narrate a dream, though it exploits the same kind of mechanisms that dreams utilize. Hold on to your hats.

Camouflage, Jonathan Hodgson, UK 2001, 35 mm, 7:56
Mixed animation and live action techniques tell the stories of those with a schizophrenic parent, childhood scenes in which everyday events gradually tip over into idiosyncratic behaviour and finally madness.

The Subconscious Art of Graffiti Removal, Matt McCormick, USA 2001, video, 16:00
It is at once a delightful parody of overheated art-history hermeneutics and an authentic plea for the appreciation of disregarded urban patterns. Patterns on walls, train cars, and shipping containers are compared to paintings by Rothko and Malevich and catalogued as ‘symmetrical’, ‘radical’ and ‘ghosting’.

Getting Stronger Every Day, Miranda July, USA 2001, video, 6:30
This video captures the experience of becoming lost and found, from moment to moment, and over the course of a lifetime. This is played out in mundanely poignant tableaux in which the spirit realm manifests in low-tech effects and remembered tv-movies.

Apple Grown in Wind Tunnel, Steven Matheson, USA 2000, video, 26:00
(ex quo winner of the international competition videoex 2002)
This absurd microscopic film noir follows the activities of an underground network of sick people, desperate to create alternative methods of self-care in a world where natural resources are disappearing. While examining the meaning of health, disease, and well-being in post-industrial culture, ‘Apple’ imagines the development of a culture at the margins, linked by illicit radio broadcasts, toxic waste sites, the highway, and ultimately by the overwhelming desire to find a cure.

Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2002 8.30 pm
Du Moteur A Explosion, Dominic Gagnon, CAN 2000, 16 mm, 40:00
with live music by Dominic Gagnon
(ex equo winner of the international competition videoex 2002)
Full Throttle Engine Component disturbs the architecture of the world's largest airports. Hijacks reduces to flames four Boeing 747s and penetrates the paranoid psyches of traveller strapped inside the international zone. The underlying tension, an extraordinary visual beauty and a fascinating soundtrack catch the viewers attention during 40 minutes.

Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002 8.30 pm
The Dead Weight of a Quarrel Hangs, Walid Ra'ad, USA 1999, video, 16:54
This piece investigates the possibilities and limits of writing a history of the Lebanese civil wars (1975-1991). The tapes offer accounts of the fantastic situations that beset a number of individuals, though they do not document what happened. Rather, the tapes explore what can be imagined, what can be said, what can be taken for granted, what can appear as rational, sayable, and thinkable about the wars.

Fade into White # 3, Kazuhiro Goshima, J 2001, video, 14:00
In this FADE into WHITE series, I have been tried to stimulate the imagination of audiences with the minimized visual information. I think the real existence is with ‘quality’ not with ‘quantity’ of information.

Variations for Movements, Yoshinao Satho, J 2001, video, 5:30
A small, animated ‘symphony of a big city’: signs and buildings have their own life.

Cargo, Laura Waddington, F 2001, video, 29:35
(ex quo winner of the international competition videoex 2002)
A woman tells the story of a journey she made on a cargo boat to the middle east. Lost in space: poetic and exquisitely beautiful, Laura Waddington dream video diary records the melancholy shadow life of a container ship crew in perpetual limbo."

PLAY gallery for still and motion pictures / hannoversche strasse 1/10117 berlin
T +49-(0)30-275 82 111


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Titel zum Thema play gallery:

VIDEOEX 2002 - Experimental Film & Video Festival
Die play gallery for still an motion zeigt für 3 Tage vom 17.12.-19.12.02 . . .
(Einspieldatum: 13.12.2002)


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