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Berlin Daily 16.04.2024
6. Salon für Kunst und Sprache (durchgestrichen)

18 Uhr: „Mal angenommen, es gäbe keine Sprache. Wäre Kunst dann auch weg? ... Mit Jörg Begler, Hanne Stohrer, Eva Sturm. oqbo | raum für bild wort ton | Brunnenstraße 63 | 13355 Berlin

Open Call - Manifesta 13 Marseille

von chk (19.07.2019)
vorher Abb. Open Call - Manifesta 13 Marseille

Manifesta Title Announcement, © H.Bossy

Folgender Open Call zur Manifesta 13, die nächstes Jahr vom 7. Juni bis 1. November in Marseille stattfinden wird, erreichte uns:

Application Guidelines

We are very pleased to open the application procedure for Manifesta 13 Marseille Les Parallèles du Sud.

Who can participate?
The projects can be proposed by local, regional, or international private and public institutions, non-profit organisations, artists, and professionals.

The projects can also be proposed by non-artistic and non-cultural partners so long as the project reflects Manifesta 13 Marseille’s main ambition.

Selection criteria
All projects submitted to the Manifesta 13 Marseille Les Parallèles du Sud should be linked with the main thematic approach of Manifesta 13 Marseille Trait d’union.s which is conceptualised in a time when human and environmental issues are urgent and complex. Specifically, Manifesta 13 Marseille focuses on the following questions: what do we learn from the plural roots of a city informed by several generations of migration? What forms of knowledge are born out of this new generation of individuals with complex biographies? How do we create new forms of relationships that can reveal parallels between the local and global context?

The projects should have at least 2 partners, including one regional partner, and should have a clear international dimension (artistic scale, coproduction, part of international networks, etc.) and active collaboration between both partners, reflecting Manifesta 13 Marseille’s ambition to create sustainable networks.

The projects should take place in Region Sud and should take place during Manifesta 13 Marseille, from 7 June 2020 until 1 November 2020. Projects do not necessarily have to presented for the whole duration of the biennial.

All proposed projects should be in line with the high-quality standards of Manifesta 13. An interdisciplinary approach of projects will be appreciated.

Projects of Manifesta 13 Marseille Les Parallèles du Sud may charge an entry fee. In case of an entry fee, all Manifesta 13 Marseille Pass holders will be granted access to Les Parallèles du Sud at a reduced prize.

The projects will be evaluated and selected by a dedicated jury, formed by the director of Manifesta, a member of the artistic team Manifesta 13 Marseille, and two local art professionals.

The organisers of the selected projects will receive a written confirmation via email by 31 October 2019. The jury will not give reasons for its decision. All the organisers of the selected projects will be asked to sign a contract stating the artistic, logistic, operational, and financial responsibilities of both partners (Manifesta 13 Marseille and the organisers).

The selected projects which have not secured their budget or venues by the 1st of February 2020 may be withdrawn from the Manifesta 13 Marseille Les Parallèles du Sud programme.

Support from Region Sud to the programme
Only regional (based in departments of Region Sud) organisers can apply to Region Sud for financial support. In their application to the Les Parallèles du Sud programme. Applicants should mention the request for a grant to Region Sud in their projected budget. Financial support from Region Sud will be within the range of 4.000 euros to 30.000 euros, and may not exceed more than 30 % of the total budget of the project. Selection by the jury does not guarantee financial support from Region Sud.

How to Apply
To apply for the Manifesta 13 Marseille Les Parallèles du Sud programme, please download the application form at this link, and send a complete and signed copy via mail to

The deadline for submission is 25 September 2019.

For further information, please contact Beatrice Simonet, Manifesta 13 Parallel Events Coordinator, at / Tel : 04 86 11 89 75


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Titel zum Thema Manifesta:

Open Call - Manifesta 13 Marseille
Ausschreibung: Folgender Open Call zur Manifesta 13, die nächstes Jahr vom 7. Juni bis 1. November in Marseille stattfinden wird, erreichte uns:

Eine Vorausschau: Die Manifesta in St. Petersburg
Gerade ist die Berlin Biennale gestartet, da wartet bereits ein weiterer internationaler Kulturtermin im Kalender: In vier Wochen eröffnet in St. Petersburg die Manifesta 10 "The European Biennial of Contemporary Art" mit einem ambitionierten Programm in unruhigen Zeiten.

Manifesta 7 - Kuratoren gewählt: Adam Budak, Anselm Franke, Hila Peleg, Raqs Media Collective
Die Manifesta ist die einzige Biennale, die aller zwei Jahre an einem anderen Ort stattfindet. Die Manifesta 7 wird in der Region Trentino - Südtirol vom 19. Juli - 2. November 2008 veranstaltet und erhält ihre Austragungsorte in verschiedenen vorindustriellen und industriellen Bauten entlang einer rund 150 km langen Strecke.


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