12 Uhr: Kunst- und Kulturvermittler*innen laden zu kurzen Zwiegesprächen ein. Im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Nan Goldin. This Will Not End Well". Neue Nationalgalerie | Potsdamer Str. 50 | 10785 B
Das MONU ruft unter dem Motto "Most Valuable Urbanism" noch bis Ende Mai 2010 dazu auf, theoretische Arbeiten, Projekte, Kunstwerke oder grafische Darstellungen einzureichen, die sich kritisch mit Konzepten und Kriterien zum Thema eines lebenswerten Urbanismus auseinandersetzen.
In sports, a Most Valuable Player (MVP) award is an honour typically bestowed upon the best performing player or players on a specific team, in an entire league, or for a particular contest or series of contests. Initially used in professional sports, the term is now also commonly used in other completely unrelated fields of endeavour such as business. Microsoft, for example, uses MVP to mean Most Valuable Professional. In that sense the term could also be applied to urbanism. The question would then be which city might be the most valuable, producing the most valuable urbanism and what kind of criteria should be applied to define valuable urbanism.
As a matter of fact, several lists ranking cities that judge their supposed qualities already exist. One of the most famous lists of that kind, defining the so called "most liveable cities", is produced for example by the American human resource and related financial services consulting firm Mercer, the Economist Intelligence Unit`s or the magazine Monocle. According to Mercer the most liveable cities in the world in the year 2009 were Vienna, Zurich, Geneva, Vancouver, and Auckland.
This new issue of MONU aims to critically analyse the established ranking lists and their criteria that are primarily being used by internationally operating companies to determine where they will open offices or plants and how much they should pay the employees. MONU #13 seeks to reflect on established quality criteria such as safety, education, hygiene, recreation, political-economic stability, and public transportation. What might be other criteria and to what kind of rankings would those other criteria eventually lead? Should a city such as Vienna really be our role model and ultimate urban prototype?
This call for submissions for MONU #13 invites critical papers, affiliated projects, intelligent art works, relevant photography and analytical infographics on the topic of "Most Valuable Urbanism". Just like MONU #12, this new issue will also feature a Rotterdam related part that invites proposals from Rotterdam-based contributors and for Rotterdam located projects in particular. Abstracts and ideas of 300 to 500 words, and images and illustrations in colour and in low resolution, should be sent to info@monu-magazine.com by the end of May 2010. MONU #13 will be published in the summer of 2010.
Bernd Upmeyer
Editor in Chief
Delftsestraat 27 NL 3013 AE Rotterdam
T 0031 (0)10 2400172
T 0031 (0) 6 28276899
E info@monu-magazine.com
W monu-magazine.com
Titel zum Thema MONU:
Call for Submissions für das MONU – magazine on urbanism
Das MONU ruft unter dem Motto "Most Valuable Urbanism" noch bis Ende Mai 2010 dazu auf, theoretische Arbeiten, Projekte, Kunstwerke oder grafische Darstellungen einzureichen, die sich kritisch mit Konzepten und Kriterien zum Thema eines lebenswerten Urbanismus auseinandersetzen.
MONU - magazine on urbanism
Monu ist ein Magazin über Urbanismus, das die städtische Kultur, ihre gesellschaftliche Entwicklung und ihre politische Struktur unter verschiedenen Aspekten beleuchtet. Jede Ausgabe des zweimal jährlich erscheinende Magazins widmete sich einen bestimmten Schwerpunktthema. Die nächste Ausgabe steht unter dem Begriff "Holy Urbanism".
GEDOK-Berlin e.V.
a.i.p. project - artists in progress
Freundeskreis Willy-Brandt-Haus e.V.
Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Berlin