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Open Call: Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U) Berlin

von chk (10.05.2015)
vorher Abb. Open Call: Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U) Berlin

2 - 8 Months Residencies for Scholars, Artists and Practitioners at ZKU, Berlin

ZK/U releases its new Open Call, with the following deadline: June 14th, 2015

In der Ausschreibung heißt es:

Application Process: zku-berlin.org/apply/

Open Call conceptual frame and investigation lines: zku-berlin.org/concept/

In the context of its research and residency program, ZK/U offers a ´living & work` space for artists, scholars and practitioners working in the fields of urban research, geography, anthropology, urbanism, architecture and the humanities.

Artists should be working professionally in their fields and have a broad range of projects and exhibition experience. Scholars and practitioners should have some years of professional experience. Artists, scholars, and practitioners can apply individually or as a group. We especially encourage group applications consisting of artists working with scholars or practitioners from other disciplines.
Furthermore, the residents are invited to use ZK/U as a platform, and propose their own formats or long-term satellite projects.


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Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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Kommunale Galerie Berlin

Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Berlin

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